IWICATALOG - Contact lenses: Marketing

iZySolutions - Documentation

IWICATALOG - Contact lenses: Marketing

The Marketing frame is used to indicate all the necessary information to sell the contact lens.

Product state in the catalog

For further information, follow this link: IWICATALOG - Status and situation of the products


  • Nb. of contact lens per packaging (mandatory): to describe the quantity of contact lenses included in the contact lens' box that will be delivered to the wearer

  • Nb. of packaging per box (optional): to indicate to the optician how much packaging will be delivered in a cardboard box

  • Customs code (mandatory): to enter the customs code (9001300000) of the contact lens (Harmonized System Customs Code)

  • Packaging description (optional): to describe the packing


  • Product description (mandatory)

  • Adaptation criteria (optional): to inform and help the opticians in case of possible problems with contact lenses' adaptation

  • Image (optional): URL showing the photography distributed to the shops. The image is provided for information purposes only (Opto11 recommendation: .jpg 200/200 px with a 45° shooting angle)

  • Marking image (optional): this is the URL presenting the markings in the case of contact lenses that have them

Additional information

For further information, follow this link: IWICATALOG - Status and situation of the products

  • Essential characteristics : the blue Generate sentence button is used to generate automatically some text. It can be modified and is also accessible on mass updates (IWICATALOG - Mass Update). See the following link for more information: IWICATALOG - Quote

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