IWICATALOG - Care product: General

iZySolutions - Documentation

IWICATALOG - Care product: General

Fields in the General tab must be carefully filled in. If the mandatory data are not completed, the care product won’t be properly described in the exported catalogs.

Reminder: the unique key of a product is determined by:

  • The manufacturer code (care product identification frame)

  • The distributor code (care product identification frame)

  • The product code (care product codes frame)

In the catalogs, a care product label must be unique except in the case where the manufacturer codes and/or distributors are different.

Care product identification

This frame is used to assigned a manufacturer, distributor and a name to the care product. 

How to fill in the characteristics:

The data name of the care product, name at the manufacturer and B2C name are not all transmitted in the same catalog. The choice is made when exporting according to what you want to transmit in the EDI catalogs

Care product codes

  • GTIN (mandatory): fill in the GTIN, EAN or UPC code of the packaging. As a reminder, the GTIN code is equivalent to the UPC code (preceded by two zeros) and the EAN code (preceded by one zero)

  • Product code (mandatory): assigned by the manufacturer, this code must be unique for the same manufacturer and distributor pair.

  • EDI code (mandatory): code to use when ordering. If not used then equal to the product code.

  • ACL code (mandatory): code assigned by the ACL. Identification number for products that do not have a marketing authorization and that are sold in pharmacies or parapharmacies. This code is used exclusively in France.

Main characteristics

  • Care solution: specifies the function of the solution

    • Multipurpose

    • Peroxyde

    • Desinfection

    • Protein removal

    • Rinsing

    • Washing

    • Cleansing

    • Moisterizing

  • Application type: specifies the type of contact lens to which the solution can be applied

    • Soft

    • Hard

    • Universal

  • Expiration once opened: specifies the indicative number of days the product can be stored under normal conditions after opening

  • Standard use duration: specifies the indicative number of days of use with the maintenance solution under normal use

Example of storage and shelf life: for a pack of three 150 ml bottles with 20 days of use each, but a shelf life of 90 days each. The duration of use that should be entered will be 3 * 20 (or 60 days) and not 3 * 90 (or 270 days)


For further information about the management of groupments, click on the following link 👉 IWICATALOG - Groupment management

To add a groupment on a lens, click on the following link 👉 IWICATALOG - Groupment management

You can click on this link 👉 IWICATALOG - EDI catalog settings to learn how to manage groupments in exports.


Families serve as filters. They can be used in iWiCatalog in order to easily find a set of products but also in exported catalogs in order to include or exclude products belonging to a family.

You can click on the linkl 👉IWICATALOG - EDI catalog settings to learn how to manage families in exports.

To add a family on a product, you must click on the list of available families and then click on the blue Add button, to make it appears in the table.

Only the visible families in the table are available on the product.

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