IWI - Publishing

iZySolutions - Documentation

IWI - Publishing

This module will be available only at your request.

You can ask us to make a specific publication for your company. A quote and a specification will be drafted according to the requested specificities.

This menu is accessible depending on the rights given to your administrator or if your company subscribed to this module.

🙋‍♀️ What is a publishing?

The publishing tab allows you to send all integrated data from iWiCatalog to another Information System to centralized the data in a single system and to be able to communicate them to others.

You will find below only the publication to Eyes-Road; it is the only publication common to all users.

To access this module click on Publishing in the top menu.

🙋‍♂️ How to publish your catalogs to Eyes-Road?

In the Company list, if you have access to multiple, select the one from which you want to publish your catalogs.

The first time you login, click on the Bind my Eyes-Road account button. A popup window will open to allow you to enter your username and password.

Once the logins are correctly filled in, you have access to the table below allowing you to publish your catalogs:

Here is the description of the different columns of the table:

  1. catalog: informs about eligible catalogs for publication on Eyes-Road

  2. File name: this field is specified in the catalog (Export part).

  3. Type: what type of product is used in the catalog

  4. Start: beginning of the validity date entered in the catalog. If this field is empty, it means that it is a self-calculated value in the catalog (Export part)

  5. End: end of the validity date entered in the catalog. If this field is empty, it means that it is a self-calculated value in the catalog (Export part)

  6. Perimeter: value entered in the catalog

  7. Optimeyes : informs if the catalog is exported (or not) in this format, its publication date and its validation status by the EDI-Optique

  8. Opto11 ebXML : informs if the catalog is exported (or not) in this format, ts publication date and its validation status by the EDI-Optique

  9. Publish: allows to publish the catalog on Eyes-Road

If you click on the Publish button of the table, a popup will appear and you will have to chose the format to publish depending on the selected catalog.

After clicking on the Publish button in the popup you will be redirected to the Eyes-Road website.

Only the catalogs exported in an Optimeyes and Opto 11 ebXML formats will be available in the publishing table.

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