iZySolutions - Documentation

FAQ - Exports (EN)

My product is not exported, why?

Several cases are possible, depending on how you have configured your catalog.

The different actions to be taken to control the reason for this behaviour:

Catalogue part :

  • The catalog is not a test catalog and the product is in design. Check its status to put it into production.

Export Part

  • The export is set up without the deleted products in a deleted state, but the export is in this state.

  • The validity date is before the date of the historization of the catalog.

  • You have made filters in the catalog settings (family, product, manufacturer, distributor) and they have been removed from the export following their application.

  • You make a Groupment export and the product is not assigned to the Groupment.

  • You make a Public export and the product is not public (Management on all types of products except options).

My options can't be exported, why?

See in the FAQ My product cannot be exported, why?

The different actions to be taken to control the reason for this behaviour:

Catalogue part :

  • The Options is not attributed to any product.

  • The Options runs independently, do a quick check in the Combinations tab.

  • The extra is in a pack.

  • Check if there are combinations on the pack.

  • You have deselected the export format in the format restrictions. (link)

Export Part

  • You have made filters in the catalog settings (family, product, manufacturer, distributor, sign) and the options has been removed following their application.

  • The options is identified as a control options, except Include options "Control" is disabled in the catalog.

  • The Options is Mandatory, included and hidden on all products to which it is associated and the format is not an Opto11 format. Only format using hidden Combinations. For some other formats, included options are not exported in catalogues.

  • Export only Groupments options is activated in the catalog and the options does not include a Groupment version.

My combination are not exported, why?

Several cases are possible, depending on how you have configured your catalog. A link exists between what is filled in the question My options is not exported, why? some of the answers may already be there.

  • The options is Mandatory, included and hidden on the product to which it is associated and the format is not an Opto11 format.

  • The association Lens-options is not present on the lens in its public version.

  • The combinations exists between the lens and the options but has been disabled on the Groupment version of the Lens.


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