iZySolutions - Documentation
- Version 2024
The Itelis Excel table contains a huge amount of data. We have chosen to display the expected information in rows and not in columns, as will be the case in the exported format.
*Please note (yellow lines): if a treatment is written in two different ways in the electronic catalog label, it is advisable to indicate a single name grouping together the different names corresponding to the same treatment.)
Data | Source of export data | Possible data | Comments | Management rule |
EDI | Opto11 | Enter the glass's EDI code Edit in text format | Â | Â |
Libellé | Opto11 | Enter the lens label (as shown in the electronic catalog) |  |  |
STATUT | Opto11 |
|  | The export program will only show the "CrĂ©ation" (Creation) and "Suppressionâ (Deletion) information. |
Date de début de validité | Opto11 | N/A | Indicate the date on which the product will be made available on the market |  |
Date de fin de validité | Opto11 | N/A | Indicate the date on which the product will be withdrawn from the market |  |
PANIER | Opto11 |
| Â |
Verre | Opto11 |
| Â | The information is included in the range of products in the manufacturing grids. |
Verre OFG | Itelis |
| Â |
INDICE | Opto11 | N/A | Indicate the index as shown in the electronic catalog | Field Real refractive index |
INDICE | Opto11 |
| Â | Field Reference refractive index |
GEOMETRIE | Opto11 |
| Â | Field Type of ophthalmic lens
MATIERE | Opto11 |
| Â | Field Material |
SURFACE | Opto11 / Itelis |
| Â | Champ Geometry. All progressive lenses will be categorized as Aspheric |
ACTIVITĂ | Itelis |
| Â | If an activity is declared, specify the selection level and technique of the activity |
|  |  To be completed if an activity other than "Pas dâactivitĂ© spĂ©cifique" is selected.
|  | To be completed if an activity other than "Pas dâactivitĂ© spĂ©cifique" is selected.
| Â | Â |
NIVEAU | Itelis |
| Â |
Précalibrage Obligatoire | Opto11 |
| Â |
Prix précalibrage intégré au verre | Opto11 |
| Â |
Présence Durci | Opto11 |
| Â |
Présence Antireflet | Opto11 |
| Â |
Présence Teinte | Opto11 ou Itelis |
| Â |
Présence Miroir | Opto11 ou Itelis |
| Â |
Présence Polarisant | Opto11 |
| Â |
Présence photochromique | Opto11 |
| Â |
Type teinte | Itelis |
| Â |
Niveau Teinte | Itelis |
| Â |
Intensité du photochromique au plus clair | Opto11 |
| Â |
Protection | Opto11 & Itelis |
| Â |
Protection | Opto11 & Itelis |
| Â |
Niveau de protection UV 400 nm | Opto11 |
| Â |
Matériau 1 | Itelis | Indicate the name of the anti-blue light material*. |  | If the field in iWi is filled then this value will be exported otherwise If Blue Light Protection = Treatment, and there is only one supplement with blue light protection on the lens, then we indicate the name of the supplement. |
Matériau 2 | Itelis | Indicate the name of the UV-resistant material*. |  | On export, if the field in iWi is filled in, then this value will be exported otherwise If UV Protection = Treatment, and there is only one supplement with UV protection on the glass, then we indicate the name of the supplement. On import, if the UV Protection field is equal to Combined or Material, then indicate the name. |
Matériau 3 | Itelis | Indicate any additional materials that may give rise to a price surcharge*. |  |  |
Matériau 4 | Itelis | Indicate any additional materials that may give rise to a price surcharge*. |  |  |
Matériau 5 | Itelis | Indicate any additional materials that may give rise to a price surcharge*. |  |  |
Traitement | Opto11 & Itelis | Indicate the commercial name of the anti-reflective coating*. | Â | Corresponds to the trade name if entered in the Health insurance tab â ITELIS. If the trade name is empty, it will correspond to the option name in the GENERAL tab. |
Teinte | Itelis |
| Â |
Photochromique | Opto11 & Itelis | Indicate the commercial name of the photochromic*. | Â | Fill in if photochromic presence is Oui (Yes) |
Design | Itelis | Enter the trade name of the glass design*. | Â |
Individualisation | Opto11 | If an individualized surcharge is applied to the lens, indicate the trade name of the individualized lens | Â |
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