IWICATALOG - Options: Incompatible options

iZySolutions - Documentation

IWICATALOG - Options: Incompatible options

This is where incompatibilities between options are managed. An incompatibility indicates in the catalog that if at least one of the options including one or more incompatibilities is selected, then the optician won't be able to select any other options declared here.

The Conceptual view allows the management, the Actual view allows to visualize where the management of the different incompatibilities of the option comes from.

In the conceptual view, the table on the left shows the different incompatibilities.


Incompatibilities may not appear because they are not created in this option, to make sure, click on the actual view tab.

The table on the right identifies all the options available for incompatibilities. The options in the table on the left will be missing on the right.

To add incompatibilities, you must:

  • Click on the blue button + individually OR

  • Use the filter and then click on the blue Add all button

To delete an incompatibility, you must:

  • Click on the red cross X individually OR

  • Use the filter and then click on the red Remove all button

Conceptual view

Actual view

In the example below, we can see that HMC is incompatible with DEG CLASSIQUE BRUN and HMC ++, etc... Each of the incompatibilities has been created in the respective options.

The Origin column shows the option is causing the incompatibility.

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