iZySolutions - Documentation
IZYSHAPE - Connection Choice : SERIAL (RS232)
SERIAL (RS232/RS232)
Adding a new serial tracer requires several parameters input. These must correspond to the tracer parameters entered.
Port :
- Serial: COM port corresponding to RS-232 / USB or RS-232 / RS-232 cable coming from the tracer
- BaudRate, Parity, DataBits, StopBits, HandShake: Must be equivalent to the tracer configuration
Protocol :
- OMA: Used by most tracer
- NIDEK: Suitable for Nidek tracer
- HOYA2: Suitable for Hoya tracer, known tracers : GT1000, GT3000
- HOYA3: Suitable for Hoya tracer, known tracers : GT5000
- PCcomV2: Sometimes used on Essilor tracers
There are pre-configurations available for some tracer. These are indicative but do not guarantee in any case immediate operation that may change configuration of the tracer and hardware of the computer on which iZyShape is installed.
Expert mode allows you to enter a tracer name manually and add other parameters just in case. (No tracer has needed this feature so far)
Validation allows tracer's recording and proposes a connection assistant. This one is optional but can give some advice / help in the application's setting.
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