IWICATALOG - Templates

iZySolutions - Documentation

IWICATALOG - Templates

What are they for?

The goal is to optimise the creating lenses work but also to simplify the updating process.

How to define them?

When creating templates, we must think about the benefits we can have in our daily work.

In the example below there is a master template which includes information that will never change regardless of the inherited lens.

This information is common and can be :

  • technical data,

  • corridors,

  • manufacturing options (Pre-calibration, Prisms, ...)

  • or others.

The child template inherit this information and can be enriched. Here the Master template (parent) is related to 4 lenses, 2 of them are clear but with different indexes and 2 photochromics with also different indexes.


How to create a template?

There are two ways to create template:

  1. From a blank page by clicking on the blue + button in the menu or main template table.

  2. From a lens by clicking on the blue Generate template button. (below on General part right side)

The template creation data is done in the same way as for a lens. It is important to think in terms of a template rather than a lens in order to only common data is entered in order to optimise your work.

To give a basic illustration, if you take a car, each brand includes several models which will be declined according to an engine, different colours, finishes or options. The car body is the same but different accessories can be added depending on the choices you have made.

Here it is the same, a lens design can be clear, polarized or photochromic. The basic lens that will be common to all will include technical features, options and even manufacturing grids.


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