iZySolutions - Documentation

IWICATALOG - Care product: Marketing

Product state in the catalog

For further information, click on the following link: https://izysolutions.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/IE/pages/598442007/IWICATALOG+-+Status+and+situation+of+the+products?search_id=c06cc921-1cdc-4918-a1ee-cd6923796b7a


To indicate the price(s) of the care product.


  • Nb. of unit per packaging (mandatory): to indicate the number of unit per packaging

  • Volume or quantity per unit (mandatory): must be superior to 0 and inferior to 10000

  • Quantity unit (mandatory): expressed either in milliliters (ml), tablets (U2), doses (14) or grams (GRM)

  • Nb. of packaging per box (optional): must be superior to 0 and inferior to 1000

  • Customs code: there is only one existing code for the care products (9001300000)

  • Packaging description: to describe the packaging of the product

Marketing information

  • Electronic order allowed via EDI: to indicate if the optician is authorized to make an order of the care product via EDI

  • Time to delivery: to inform the optician of the indicative delivery time in working days (Monday to Friday)

  • Image

Additional information

For further information, click on the following link: https://izysolutions.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/IE/pages/1309900841/IWICATALOG+-+Product+sheets+Complementary+information?search_id=1a6b5761-88e7-4ed8-9db7-c070b88b7c65

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