🚀New features:

This box allows you to define the refund class of your lens/ manufacturing grid / association. Here you can choose between class A and class B.

Allows to define if the lens belongs to a selective distribution or not. If this indicator is checked, the lens does not belong to a standard distribution but only to a selective distribution.

 Allows to define if the treatment is a UV coating for the front face of a lens

 Allows to define if the treatment is a UV coating for the back side of a lens

 Allows to define the contact angle between the treatment and the surface of the treated lens

🚀Changes regarding OPTOv11r18:

Contact lens

The length of the following fields has been increased from 250 to 512 characters: 

Care product 

The length of the following fields has been increased from 250 to 512 characters: 


Addition of the following types of accessories: