You can use this tab to describe the technical datas of a lens


All these informations are Boolean (Yes/No), if the check mark is not active then the information transmitted in the catalog will be No.

CEN standard

Optimeyes Characteristics

As indicated in the frame, those datas are linked to the Optimeyes format.

Two indicators Yes/No are used to indicate if the lens in photochromic and/or tinted.

You can also enter the aspheric diameter and the infrared absorption of the lens.


There you can enter:


This frame is only visible for multifocal lenses.

The distances are used to provide information on the technical parts of multifocal lenses. All vertical and horizontal measurements have to be considered from the geometric centre of the lens.

Regarding the mounting height, if you do not make specific lenses based on corridors, we recommend to indicate the minimum height that the lens is able to tolerate in order not to block potential sales.


This frame is only visible for bifocal and trifocal lenses.

It is used to indicate:

SF6 characteristics

This frame is specific to the SF6 format.