Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

In this section we help you to understand/correct the errors reported by the Opto11 ebXML validator of the EDI-Optique.

Message example

Opto11 data

In iWiCatalog

Fix to do

ref:IZY6CL The sale price (9.25) must be higher than the purchase price (12.5)


ref:IZY6CL Le prix de vente (9.25) doit être supérieur au prix d'achat (12.5)

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Change the prices in the Pricegrids tab or check the parameters used for the export.

ref:IZY6CL Observed value: 62,4, Min. value : 0, Max. : 60


ref:IZY6CL Valeur constatée : 62,4, Valeur min. : 0, Valeur max. : 60

121 - Upper radius of the near vision segment


121 - Rayon supérieur du segment de la vision de près

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Put a value between 0 and 60, allowed values for this format.

ref:IZY6CL-001 Observed value: 0, Min. 0.01, Max. : 99999,99


ref:IZY6CL-001 Valeur constatée : 0, Valeur min. : 0,01, Valeur max. : 99999,99

911 - price 2

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You must indicate in the combination between the lens and the option:

  • an empty price OR

  • a price contained in the limit indicated in the message

ref:IZY6CL For the range Lab. (RangeTypeCode Item2) and diameter 70.


ref:IZY6CL Pour la gamme Lab. (RangeTypeCode Item2) et le diamètre 70.

03 - Overlapping of Price grids


03 - Recoupement des grilles de tarif

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For this example prices are included in different price grids. It is "forbidden" to overlap price grids because the optician's software would not know which one to use.

Here we can see in pink and yellow grids with the same powers.

It will be necessary to apply a correction by modifying :

  • Type of price and/or

  • Prices

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ref:IZY6CL Glass: Some points of a manufacturing grid for the 2 Lab. range and diameter 70 are not priced (Sph: 10, Cyl: 6)


ref:IZY6CL Verre : Certains points d'une grille de fabrication pour la gamme 2 Lab. et le diamètre 70 n'ont pas de prix (Sph: 10, Cyl: 6)

04 - Price error


04 - Erreur de prix

Price grids :

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Manufacturing grids :

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In this example, prices for spheres smaller than 12 are necessary so that all the points in the production grid have a price. For this manufacturing grid it will therefore be necessary to add prices for spheres below 12.00 but only from cylinder 4.00 onwards.